(1) Smurfs are Baaaaaddddd!!
(2) Women must wear a headcovering (i.e. - paper towel, hat, etc.) when conducting a bible study when a baptized man is present.
(3) Women can't hold any positions in the Congo.
(4) Masturbators won't inherit the Kingdom.
(5) Millions Now Living Will Never Die.
(6) That Kingdom Melodies are considered music and are sacred.
(7) You must shun relatives who are DFed.
(8) Universal Sovreignty Issue.
(9) That it was Satanic to go to college.
(10) It was Satanic to want to play sports in high school.
(11) Working as a window washer/pioneer is akin to storing up riches in heaven.
(12) That out of all things in the universe that God could work through, he chooses a publishing company to glorify his name and sovreignty to the universe.
(13) That the 7 trumpet blast prophecies in Revelation was fulfilled at some obscure conventions held by a publishing company in 1922.
(14) That God will all destroy men, women, children and pets who are not JWs.
(15) That homosexuality is a choice and not dictated by genetics.
(16) That oral sex is wrong for married couples.
(18) That elders, ms and pioneers are directly appointed by God's Holy Spirit.
(19) That Bethel is the House of God.
(20) That all other religions, people, institutions outside of JW's is incapable of showing love.